This guide is being developed to enable paint chemists, formulators and other scientists to identify fouling organisms normally found at various locations around the world. By comparing photographs here, one can identify the specific organisms that attach or are prevented from attaching to submerged surfaces.
This guide is an ongoing project and not limited to our test sites. Those who may wish to describe common biofoulers found in their test sites are invited to submit information for inclusion in this guide. Please email us at with your digital photo, description of the organism and your location. Credit for posting will be duly acknowledged in this website.
We are updating this page on a regular basis. Please click the links below to read about biofouling organisms.
Biofoulers in Tuticorin Bay, Southeastern India
Biofoulers in Link Port, Fort Pierce, Florida, USA
Biofoulers in Hamtic, Antique, Panay Island, Philippines
Biofoulers in Northern Atacama Region, Chile
Biofoulers in Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada
Biofoulers in Tanjung Ringgit, Lombok Island, Indonesia